Hello…it’s me

Hello friends, someone wanted to say hello!

Meet our sweet little super hero ❤

2015-12-11 17.23.30

Measuring at exactly 6 weeks 1 day with a precious heart rate of 112 bpm.


Honestly, I was feeling pretty nervous about this appointment. Jerseyman made a comment earlier this week about this being “uncharted waters”for us and it kinda kept playing in my head. It also hasn’t helped that I’ve been feeling cramping on my right side, along with a sore hip, back and some light cramping down my right thigh. I was trying really hard not to imagine the worst but you know how the mind is.

I booked my acupuncture appointment before my ultrasound and good thing too. I was such a ball of nerves and ended up in tears talking to my acupuncturist. He’s the best and always takes my meltdowns in stride. He gave me some good stress points that helped chill me out before my appointment.

Since I had to work, Jerseyman and I decided to meet at the clinic. Unfortunately he ran a bit late due to traffic but the nurse was kind enough to wait for him and let the people with the appointment after us go ahead of us.

I waited in the little private waiting room and Jerseyman arrived before I knew it. He was very sweet and acted all goofy trying to keep me distracted then he got all sweet and serious, took my hands and led us in a little prayer before they called us in.

The ultrasound was done by one of the older RE’s at the practice that we hadn’t met before (Dr. Y is in his mid to late 70’s and is considered a pioneer of IVF in Canada). I have read mixed reviews about him so I didn’t know what to expect but we thought he was absolutely hilarious!

I wore my wonder woman socks but because of the cover I was wearing all he could see was the bottom half of the socks (solid blue with white stars). He says to me, “Did your husband lend you his socks?!” Hahaha! Oh gosh, we were cracking up right off the bat.

Then came the ultrasound….the only way I can describe it is completely amazing!

The first thing I noticed and brought my great relief was seeing the yolk sac in my uterus! Dr. Y did his thing and zoomed in a bit more and we got to see our little tiny baby taking form. Of course, the tears started streaming at that point. Dr. Y said he saw a flicker so he wanted to see if he could measure a heart beat. They turned the monitor on told me to hold my breath….there it was! More tears, lol.

Dr. Y and the nurse assisting him both congratulated us and I felt like I could breathe again!

Of course, Dr. Y found the opportunity to bust another joke and said, “It’s nice to see Dr. N (my actual RE) finally got somebody pregnant!” LOL!

I told them both about my concerns of my side pain and my fear of ectopic and Dr. Y practically shouts, “Well, it’s definitely not ectopic! I see it in the uterus!” He’ so abrupt and loud, I loved it! He assured me it was completely normal. Everything is stretching and moving.

When we got back into the little private waiting room Jerseyman and I busted out a ‘Grow baby, grow baby, grow’ dance party and sing along and said a thank you prayer for the amazing results. It was a beautiful moment. We couldn’t stop telling each other, “We have a baby growing in there!” God is so good, my friends!

We are OVER THE MOON you guys!!! One more milestone down!

I don’t feel great most of the time but it is so worth it knowing our little baby is growing strong.

Only 11 more days til we get to see them again.

Aahh – I can’t wait!!


Beta # 2

By some miracle I survived this past week. For the most part I felt calm and peace in my heart but today, I really started to feel the nerves eating up at me.

We’ve been here before. Waiting for the second beta test. In our case, that second beta test resulted in dream crushing news. You try not to think of the past but you can’t help but worry that you’ll have a similar outcome.

But today, today I am happy to report that we got AMAZING news! We found out that our miracle is here and growing strong!

Beta #2 results…..26,014!!!

Many tears of joy were shed today. We have been praying for this sweet miracle for years and by the grace of God, they’re here!

Our first ultrasound is this Friday. I will be 6 weeks 1 day. Please help us pray that our baby is in the perfect spot to continue to grow and that we’re blessed with having them join our family next summer.

My heart is so humbled, grateful and beyond overjoyed!

God is so good my friends!

I will leave you with a fun story. Since our first beta I’ve been rubbing my belly singing “Grow baby, grow baby, GROW!” over and over again while doing a little dance, lol. Jerseyman gave me props for modifying Vanilla Ice’s original to my own version. And today, literally 5 seconds before our clinic called with our results, Jerseyman blasted the song to try and ease my nerves. We’ve totally declared this our pregnancy song. With modified lyrics of course, lol.

Grow baby, grow baby, GROW! Grow baby, grow baby, GROW! Grow baby, grow baby, GROW!


Beta results

It’s taken me a few days to write this post because there’s some IRL people that read this blog and I wanted to tell them before they read it on here.

I had my first beta last Thursday and guess what?


It feels surreal to type that!

I was 9dp5dt and my beta numbers came in 104! We are overjoyed and thrilled beyond words! God is so good my friends!

I will come back later for a better update but I ask you to kindly keep us in your thoughts and prayers. We know we have many more hurdles to overcome. My second beta is on Thursday (I love how my clinic makes us wait an entire week until our next test….ugh!) and then of course come the ultrasounds, etc.

We’re taking it one step at a time and praying hard that this is it for us!

My sweet baby, thank you for choosing your daddy and I. We can’t wait to meet you!!! ❤